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Tech Teams

LRI is composed of undergraduate students from a multitude of majors. In order to facilitate involvement and efficiency, LRI is divided into seven tech teams including: electronics, engines, flight vehicle, pumps, simulations, SRD, and testing.


Electronics are in every part of modern machinery. Our team works on avionics hardware and software, as well as power electronics to make the liquid engine and pumps work.



The engine is one of the critical parts of LRI’s fluids system in which high pressure fluids accumulate in a thrust chamber assembly capable of delivering high levels of thrust and an incredibly awesome view. Members of this tech team get to apply their knowledge in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and the scientific method in order to design, manufacture, and test components.

Flight Vehicle

The flight vehicle team leads the way in designing and manufacturing the airframe and internal structure of future LRI vehicles. They work closely with the simulations teal to design and test a control system for LRI's first rocket.


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Pumps are the beating heart of the rocket, providing pressurized fuel and oxidizer to the engine. The pumps team is on the manufacturing phase for an electric centrifugal partial-emission pump, in addition to developing the conceptual design for a pump test stand.


The simulations team uses powerful industry-level simulation tools to design and optimize rocket components. They are currently conducting fluid simulations for the pumps system and engine, aerodynamic simulations for rocket control, and creating a digital replicate of the test stand.


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Special Research and Development (SRD)

The SRD team explores LRI's newest ideas and is the basis for our creative technology. Some of their projects include developing pyrotechnic valves, rollerons, and exploring regenerative cooling, ignition systems, andelectroforming.


The Testing Team is responsible for designing, building and testing the fluids systems responsible for hotfiring a liquid rocket engine. At the center of this is our test stand RAND-E which houses all of the tanks, plumbing, control valves, and electrical control systems that allow us to deliver liquid propellant at the desired pressures and mass flow rates to the injector and combustion chamber of our engine.


Help LRI Blast Off!

This is literally rocket science. 

Every student engineer, corporate sponsor, and donor makes an impact on getting us to space. If you'd like to extend your support, see our Sponsors page for more information.

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