Special Research & Development
The Special Research & Development team currently has 5 ongoing projects, all of which will actively contribute to our current liquid rocket build. Unlike other technical teams, SRD explores a variety of applied fields and extracts information from them to generate new ideas and technologies.

Pyrotechnic Valves
Pyrotechnic valves are lightweight, simple, and rapid actuating valves that use small explosive charges to open and close fluid lines. On a flight vehicle, every gram matters and reliability is paramount. Our team focuses on the design, testing, and manufacturing of pyrotechnic valves for use in our flight vehicles.
Applied fields: thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, materials science, and more

Rollerons are a simple and effective way for a rocket to passively control its roll while in flight. This is achieved by the use of free-spinning disks actuating control surfaces located on the corners of the fins. The rolleron team seeks to utilize this technology and create their very own stabilization system for a smooth and steady launch into space. We also plan to compare this passive system to an active system.
Applied fields: manufacturing, fluid dynamics, controls, materials science, and kinematics

Regen Cooling
The extremely high temperatures generated by liquid rockets, around 5000°F, necessitate advanced cooling methods to ensure safe and efficient operation. Regenerative cooling uses the cryogenic rocket fuel, liquid methane, as a coolant. The fuel is run through channels in the engine to absorb the heat of combustion. This process is essential for maintaining optimal operating temperatures.The team is currently developing a heat transfer simulation software to accurately predict critical parameters, including wall and coolant temperatures.
Applied fields: Computer science, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, applied physics

Ignition Systems
LRI’s ignition systems team is tasked with improving the reliability of pyrotechnic ignitors that utilize small solid rocket motors as means to ignite the propellants of the engine. In addition to that, the team is working on designing, manufacturing and testing a propane torch ignitor. The team is working closely with the engine and testing teams in order to come up with design requirements and ensure smooth integration of the ignition system with the rest of the hardware.
Applied fields: Thermodynamics, electronics, fluid mechan

Electroforming is a manufacturing technique in which metal ions are plated onto another surface to create a complex structure. This style of manufacturing has been used in the production of early rocket engines. Our team applies this technology with expectations that we could produce multiple regenerative rocket engines at low cost. We use a copper base with graphite wax as a manifold and a nickel plating solution.