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Plumbing & Hardware

Our latest test stand RAND-E currently utilizes 10 solenoid valves, 4 pneumatic actuators and numerous check, relief and ball valves located at various places within the fluid system to control fluid flow. We hand cut, bend, flare and install all of our hard tubing and utilize a combination of NPT, JIC/AN and BSPP fittings throughout the fluids system. We use primarily COT’s components and valves but will utilize valves developed in-house by the SRD team in the future. 

Sensors & Instrumentation

RAND-E is capable of gathering pressure data at various locations throughout the test stand such as at our propellant tanks, pressurant lines, propellant lines and combustion chamber. This is done with 3 pin single ended 0-100 mV and 4 pin differential 0-5V Omega brand pressure transducers which allow us to monitor and maintain our target tank pressures and collect data from tests for later analysis. We also collect load cell data to get propellant mass in real time using wheatstone bridge load cells that allow us to verify propellant mass flow rates during cold flows and hotfires. 

Hands-On Testing

The testing team is responsible for testing and characterizing our rocket engine injectors to determine their resistance to flow and ability to produce a sufficiently high drop in pressure across its manifold. We are also responsible for safely performing high pressure pneumatic tests, water flows and cold flows using cryogenic fluids that allow us to practice our testing procedures and simulate a hotfire. 

Test Stand Version 1

Test Stand Version 2

Supports engine testing up to:

1100 lbf

Powered by:


Maximum burn duration:

10 sec

We learnt a lot from building our very first test stand. Then we recycled our experience (and first stand's components) to build a newer, more compact, and more efficient design!


Tony MK 2 provided the opportunity to integrate propellant pumps to the testing, in addition to an enhanced system for measuring rocket engine thrust.

Watch us do a liquid nitrogen test on Grunt on the right

We built a Test stand at UIUC's garage and backyard, allowing us to learn the skills humanity needs to become multiplanetary. We are experimenting with rocket engines with our home-built test stands!

This is rocket science!

Help LRI Blast Off!

This is literally rocket science. 

Every student engineer, corporate sponsor, and donor makes an impact on getting us to space. If you'd like to extend your support, see our Sponsors page for more information.

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