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Echo Series

Echo is our upcoming series of regeneratively cooled rocket engines meant to teach our team about engine cooling. By having the first iteration of Echo be water cooled we will be able to verify our chamber combustion performance and ensure high safety margins.

Initial tests with Echo will include injector performance testing, thrust characterization, and verification of our in house cooling simulations. LRI believes in the idea that the best way to learn about rocketry is to make fast, tangible progress and learn from it. Testing Echo will eventually lead to our goal of developing a rocket engine capable of powering a small-scale flight vehicle.



GRUNT is the first collegiate liquid rocket engine in Illinois, and LRI's earliest attempt at liquid engine design. A simple thrust chamber assembly concept şs used to verify our injector concept and demonstrate our ability to build liquid rocket engines. The engine has successfully passed a cold flow test.

Help LRI Blast Off!

This is literally rocket science. 

Every student engineer, corporate sponsor, and donor makes an impact on getting us to space. If you'd like to extend your support, see our Sponsors page for more information.

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